Tuesday, October 11, 2016

It's almost time for October Kindness Day!

Hi friends, it's Elena!! Kindness day is coming up on Thursday, October 13th!! This month I have ten more kindness suggestions!!
  1. Compliment a stranger!! 
  2. Introduce yourself to your neighbors 
  3. Say "thank you" a lot!! 
  4. Send your friend a letter 
  5. Tell someone the impact they have made on your life 
  6. Bring a small gift (like chocolate!) to your new teachers 
  7. Recognize the good in others! 
  8. Stand up for your friend who maybe doesn't have a voice!! 
  9. Do a task that nobody else has the courage to do 
  10. Smile at people to make them smile!! 
Those are all of my kindness suggestions this month!! 

Here are some more kindness suggestions from the new friends I met on the Summer Library Circuit!!

This month I have four new shout outs! The first one goes to an extremely kind usher at a concert I went to!! Also Mayor Dan Drew from Middletown for donating one of his kidneys!! 

Here's me with Mayor Dan Drew!! I met him on my Summer Library Circuit!!

Also the Republic Restaurant in Hartford!! They try to give each costumer a compliment!! And last but not least, everyone who is willing to be kind and celebrate other people's kind acts!!!!

Be sure to email me your acts of kindness at CKGElena@kidgovernor.org for a shout-out in my next blog post!
